The Adventures of Microwave Mitt Monsters: A Creatures of Etsy Feature
Mike, Roy, and Wayve are three Microwave Mitt Monsters who live in the shop of MoreThanItSeams. Mike and Wayve are waiting for forever homes, but Roy has already found his!
Without Roy around, Mike and Wayve have been very lonely. So they convo each other back and forth. Let's read over their shoulders for the next few days...
Dear Roy,
It's quite boring without you here. Hope your human likes you; we sure miss you here. :)
Mike and I are going to do some exploring on Etsy tonight after MTIS goes to bed. Her friend RoadToGrinnell has the loveliest cards – I peeked when MTIS was looking at them – and I want to take a closer look.
Your sister,
Dear Roy,
Wayve is going to make me look at cards tonight. Girly stuff. Even more boring than sitting in the shop all day without you! Please convince her to find something better to look at.
Your brother,
Dear Mike and Wayve,
Yes, my human likes me a lot. Don't worry, your days will come soon!
Hey, sounds like fun! Wayve, have a nice time tonight snooping. Just don't make too big of a mess or RoadToGrinnell might complain. ;) Mike, Wayve will be safe in RTG's shop, you can go look for some good guy stuff. Let me know what you found!
Your brother,
To be continued...